Thursday, October 31, 2019

Review on the Principles of Economics Research Paper

Review on the Principles of Economics - Research Paper Example Three discuss how the economy works as a whole; trade, interaction of households and firms in market economies, government intervention in the economy. The last three discuss how people interact; nation’s standard of living depends on its capacity to produce goods and services, prices rise when government increases the money supply and the economy faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. This topic gained my attention as I realized that economics is all around us and plays a vital role in our daily life activities. It not only exists in situations like visiting the bank to deposit money or taking out cash from an ATM machine but also conditions like buying a small gift from our savings or watching the soccer match and not doing homework. My favorite topic was the concept of Opportunity Cost which is basically with reference to what is seen in opposition to what is unseen. This concept has a lot of depth attached to it. We are all aware of the direct costs of life. We experience them whenever we take out our wallet to pay for something like when we dine out and pay the bill, buy a drink, pay for the bus ticket, pay for our tuition etc. However, we tend to ignore the unseen or the hidden costs that we have to pay for and the choices that we make regarding them. For example if a person buys a car for $10,000 there are many other things he could’ve done with that much amount of money. He could’ve invested it, or spent on travelling etc. But its on him to make the decision and choice as to what he has to give up in order to achieve something. So basically opportunity cost is spending our capital, time and energy on one thing in substitute of another thing. In order to decide this, our decision making skills and preferences come into account. I have learnt that every choice or decision that I make always has an opportunity cost attached to it and it is not necessary that the cost is easily seen. The cost can be unseen as wel l. Like I had saved $100 and could not decide as to where should I spend them. It could be spent either on partying with my friends, or shopping for me or buying books to read. I can even save them up instead of using them all. Furthermore this concept taught me how to measure the benefits of every activity that I decide to do. Like when I have a couple of hours relaxing time I have to make choices as to what should I do? Whether I should read, sleep, watch TV, listen to music or talk with the family. Then I calculate the advantages that I obtain from each activity. This process exercises my brain and helps me decide as to what I should carry out. I learned that the option which brings the most overall benefits to my life is the finest choice and the accurate thing to do. Most importantly, by studying this concept I have learned to value time and I have realized its significance. In every situation I find myself calculating and thinking as to what can be the best thing I should be d oing right now? Am I spending time in the right place? By developing this mindset I have learned to take improved decisions that facilitate me in making my life and lifestyle healthy. I intend to study and become acquainted with the economic concepts that work at macro level. I want to improve my knowledge and understanding about the global affairs and how economic activities dominate and regulate all the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strategy planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategy planning - Essay Example However, the younger generation between the age of 18 and 28 seem to be comfortable with the brands from crystal fashion. The idea is to ensure that brand that resonates with them such as scarfs, sweaters and dresses. Crystal fashion in pursuit for a credible customer base needs to be more radical than the other competitors in the market (Wittmann & Reuter, 2008). The young professionals from either gender who have so far embraced the brands from the fashions talk of the products as being unique and classic effectively revealing who they are are in the society (Kurtz, 2012). The company should be more interested in the secrets of the young people as a strategy for producing future brands. Crystal Fashion is an organization that deals with production of garments and clothes for both men and women. In the recent past the company has sought to venture into new markets and to expand its market portfolio as appropriate. Most of the brands from the company have found favor with most of the consumers in Saudi Arabia region and the strategy is to position the clothing and garment brands in the market to attract more loyal customers. Crystal fashion is an organization closely held, for profit and is medium sized compared to other entities in the market (May, 2010). The company has a substantial customer base with earn a profit of one million turnovers. The idea is to have the young people share their stories concerning their preferred brands and fashion to enable the company factor such issues in the production of future brands. The strategy is to obtain the secrets from the target group as a basis for coming up better and improved brands that are accepted by a majority (Dillon, 2012). The company needs to come up with diverse channels that enable the target group share their secrets, learn from other people then use the input from the individuals to improve on the brands. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Functional Behavioral Assessment Example

Functional Behavioral Assessment Example Functional Behavioral Assessment Mitchell Sample is a fifteen year old male student in the tenth grade at Anytown High School. He lives at home with his parents, Mary and Joseph Sample, three older siblings, all male. Mitchell was referred for a functional behavior assessment due to noncompliance with classroom rules and emotional outbursts he exhibits within the school setting. These outbursts have resulted in his periodic removal from the regular education classroom setting. His behavior and consequent removal from class is affecting his academic performance. He is failing all his classes with the exception of Art II and PE. Kerr maintains that a functional behavior analysis â€Å"contribute to more effective interventions.† For this reason an FBA is needed to determine the function of the behavior and how to establish a plan that will redirect the target behavior in to the proper direction. Background Information consisting of parent interviews and review of permanent records indicate that Mitchell was initially referred for special education and related services when he was eight years old due to low academics and behavioral concerns. He was found ineligible for services and has attended a general education classes ever since. He has remained in general education environment since the time. Mitchell has a history of struggling academically. He is demonstrating noncompliant behavior by not turning in assignments and ignoring teaching requests and commands. Recently, he has started exhibiting emotional outbursts which causes a removal from the regular education setting. These outbursts interfere with his education as well as the education of other students in the class. Description of Assessment Methods Direct Observations of performance for three hours across six settings which included World History class, English 10 class, Algebra 1 class, art class, lunch and hall pass time. Teacher Interviews utilizing a variation of the Functional Assessment Interview Form. Educational records review, including child teacher support team file. Functional Assessment Results Kerr and Nelson (2010) point out that â€Å"educators are required to conduct an FBA when persistent behavioral concerns exist (FBA is commonly a part of the pre-referral and referral activities, and IEP development, review, and revision for misbehaving students) they are also required by law to conduct it within 10 days of any singular offense by a student with a disability that is punishable by:removal to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting† (Kerr, 2010). A functional assessment of behaviors of concern was conducted for this report using indirect (interviews) and descriptive (structured observation) methods. A topographical definition of the behaviors of concern was developed from interviews and then the behaviors of concern were observed utilizing a momentary time sampling. The antecedents, functions and consequences were then analyzed for this report based on recommended research standards in order to develop a hypothesis for the reasons for the behavior. A-B-C CHART Antecedent Behavior Consequence World History: Demands placed on Mitchell in classroom. Mitchell talks and ignores teacher instructions. Teacher repeats instruction while asking Mitchell to comply with the request. Teacher initiates classroom transition. â€Å"Turn in your warm up and take out your study guide for review.† Mitchell says, â€Å"I don’t have my study guide† and then turns to talk to peer. Teacher asks Mitchell to stop talking, and then asks him specifically to turn in his warm up. Teacher gives copy of study guide to Mitchell, and tells him, â€Å"Fill this out as we review answers.† Mitchell tosses paper on desk, and says, â€Å"Yea, right. Doesn’t make any difference if I do it or not. Screw you.† Teacher ignored Mitchell’s comment and started review. Class begins study guide review activity. Mitchell talks to peer as teacher conducts lesson. Teacher requests Mitchell remain quiet while review is going on unless he is answering a question about the review. Teacher gives Mitchell choice of not talking during instruction or going to the hall. Mitchell chooses to go to the hall. Mitchell walks away from class and is written up for being in an unauthorized area. Art class: Mitchell is given clay to work with. Mitchell participates in activity without disrupting class. Mitchell has clay formed and stored for use for next class period. Algebra 1 class: Teacher asks class to get out their assignment to be checked. Mitchell is talking to peer and does not comply. Teacher ignores Mitchell’s talking and Mitchell does not work on his assignment. English 10: Mitchell is asked to remain silent and get his assignment out to pass in. Mitchell replied, â€Å"I don’t have the damn assignment.† . Mitchell is written up for insubordination and inappropriate use of language Description of Behavior (1) Emotional Outbursts: Data Collection: Data were collected in five minute time sample recordings using a partial interval recording. A positive interval of this behavior was recorded if the behavior occurred at any time during the five minute interval. Data are reported using percentage of positively scored intervals. Data Collection Outcome: This behavior was observed on two occasions once during English 10 and twice during World History. On the first occasion, the behavior occurred for 12 out of the 30 minute intervals. On the second occasion, the behavior occurred for 10 out of the 30 minutes intervals. (2) Noncompliant behavior Data Collection: Using the five minute time sample, this behavior occurred in three settings. On the first occasion the behavior occurred for 15 of the 30 minutes. On the second occasion, the behavior occurred during the entire 30 minutes. On the third occasion, the behavior occurred for 10 of 10 minutes. Antecedent Analysis In an antecedent analysis, one tries to identify the events, situations and circumstances that set the occasion for a higher likelihood of the behavior and those that set the occasion for a lower likelihood. Analysis of these variables allows a more specific intervention as well as identification of environmental mediators to more fully assess the maintaining variables (Scott, T., Anderson, C., Spaulding, S., 2008). Based on the functional assessment interviews and structured observations, the emotional outbursts behavior can occur during any instructional class period (Scott, T., Anderson, C., Spaulding, S., 2008). It is reported that this behavior usually occurs when the teacher makes a request for Mitchell follow class procedures or produce classwork. During the structured observations, Mitchell exhibited this behavior during English 10 instruction after the teachers request for the assignment was made. During World History, Mitchell did not have his homework and continued to ta lk even when the teacher specifically requested he remain quiet during instructional time. Function of the Behaviors The functions of these behaviors produce attention, escaping the assigned task, and being removed from the classroom. In Mitchell’s situation, the function of his behavior appears to be avoiding academic classwork. References Kerr, M., Nelson, C. M. (2010). Strategies for addressing behavior problems in the classroom  (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Scott, T., Anderson, C., Spaulding, S. (2008). Strategies for developing and carrying out  functional assessment and behavior intervention plans. Preventing School Failure, 52(3),  39–50. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete  database:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Argumentative Essay: Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence

Our nation has changed over the years. There is no question about that. The generation that my grandfather grew up in during the 1930’s and 1940’s has often been called â€Å"The Greatest Generation† (Brokaw). Why is my generation not talked about for our inventions and advances in technology? Maybe that the downfall of our generation has been the media and the influence it has on the public? There is no doubt that the media can spin a story into a shocking and scary account produced solely on the intent to sell. This information force-fed to the public can cause fear and hatred to develop within our country and result in gun violence and bloodshed. One reason for the amount of youth violence in America is the violent content in many video games. The average adolescent spends a major part of the normal week watching or interacting with some form of the media’s products. Video games are one of these media based mediums and have become increasingly popular since the 1980’s. According to a report in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, "Female gamers spent an average of 44 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and four minutes playing on the weekends, and male gamers spent an average of 58 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and 37 minutes playing on the weekends" ("Video Game Play Among Adolescents"). What can we understand from this evidence? The fact is that adolescents, male or female, are spending tremendous amounts of time each day sitting in front of a screen with a controller in hand. Although there is little evidence to conclude that violence in video games directly leads to adolescent gun violence, there are proven studies that show increased levels of anger and aggression in the human brain when... ...Federal Trade Commission. â€Å"Results of Nationwide Undercover Survey Released.† Oct. 2003. Mar. 2008. JAMA and Archives Journals. "Study Examines Video Game Play Among Adolescents." ScienceDaily 4 July 2007. 19 March 2008 . Kleck, Gary. â€Å"Targeting Firearms.† Aldine de Gruyter. 1997, pp. 94, 98-100 Mathews, Vincent.†Violent Video Games Poison the Teenage Brain: Study.† American School Board Journal. Feb2007, Vol. 194 Issue 2, p10-10 Norcia, Andrea. "The Impact of Video Games on Children." Palo Alto Medical Foundation Apr 2007 20 Mar 2008 . â€Å"Violent Video Games – Psychologists Help Protect Children from Harmful Effects.† Psychology Matters. Mar. 2008 Woodard, E.H. & Gridina, N. â€Å"Media in the Home 2000, The fifth annual survey of parents and children.† The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. Feb 2001. 20 Mar 2008 .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Changes in the Life of Jews in Nazi Germany Essay

The Nazis anathematize the Jews. From a long time ago the Jews were not liked by the people of Europe and in the reign of the Nazis this became much worse. The Nazis officials were given strict orders to exterminate as many Jews as possible. The Nazis wanted to remove the whole of Jewish community. They wanted to eradicate every single Jew in the whole world. The Jews had to face a really hard time during the period of 1933 to 1945. The Nazis believed that Aryan race was the superior race and Jews were the inferior race. And thus Anti-Semitism started on a large scale. After coming to power on 30 January 1933, the Nazi leadership decided to stage an economic boycott on April 1933 against the Jews of Germany targeting Jewish businesses and professionals. And over the next year the Anti-Jewish propaganda increased on a very large scale day by day. On May 1935 the Jews were forbidden from joining the German Armed Forces. Later on the same year in September the Nuremburg Laws was passed which made the life of the Jews miserable. The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Semitic laws that took away civil rights citizenship from German Jews. They also forbade sex and marriage between Jews and non-Jews. In the years 1935 and 1936 the persecution of Jews increased on a large scale. But during the Berlin Olympics in 1936 Anti-Semitism posters and banners were taken down because Hitler did not want the whole world to know what was going on in Germany at that point of time. In the year 1937 Hitler mentioned his hate towards the Jews in front of the public. And then more Jewish businesses were confiscated and more Jewish professionals were sacked. The year 1938 was the year when the segregation towards the Jews increased on a very high scale. In April every Jew had to register his/her property which made it very easy to be confiscated by the Nazis. In the month of June and July Jewish doctors and lawyers were forbidden to treat the Aryans or any German. In October every Jewish person had to stamp a â€Å"J† on their passports to mark them as Jews. But the worst day for the Jews since the time Nazis came into power was the â€Å"Kristallnacht† or as it is otherwise known â€Å"The Night of the Broken Glass† when the SS soldiers and some civilians attacked Jewish Synagogues, homes and shops. The attack left the streets covered with broken glass because of which it is called the â€Å"Night of the Broken Glass. It is an estimate that 91 Jews were killed and later 30,000 Jews were attested and were sent to concentration camps. And since then till the end of the Nazi era Jews faced numerous amounts of problems. On the 12th of November 1938 the Nazis â€Å"fined† the Jews one billion Reich marks for the damage of the Kristallnacht which was simply not fair. Just after 3 days of that the Jewish pupils were only allowed to go to Jewish schools. In the month of December the same year all the remaining Jewish businesses were confiscated. Then next year in January all the Jews had to add new first names- Sarah for women and Israel for men. The Reich office for Jewish Emigration was established to promote emigration by â€Å"every possible means†. On 12th March 1939 the first mass arrests of Jews took place and nearly 30,000 Jewish men and boys were sent to concentration camps. With the onset of war the mistreatment of the Jews increased. The same year these rules were issued against the Jews, they were no longer allowed to go outdoors after 8pm in summers and 9pm in winters, forced labour decree issued for Polish Jews from the age of 14 to 60. It was followed by Yellow Star of David which had to be worn by every Polish Jew over the age of 10 and numerous of other laws which made the life of Jews worse. In January, 1940 there was a quote posted in Der Sturmer which cleared that what was going to happen to Jews â€Å"The time is near when a machine will go into motion which is going to prepare a grave for the world’s criminal – Judah – from which there will be no resurrection. Day after day the condition of the Jews became worse and by January 1942 mass killing of Jews at the Auschwitz concentration camps started and Jews from all around in Europe were sent to concentration camps. On the 2nd of July even The New York Times reported â€Å"over 1,000,000 Jews have already been killed by Nazis†. By the end of 1942 there was a huge reduction in food rations for Jews in Nazi Germany. On May 19, 1943 – Nazis declare Berlin to be Judenfrei (cleansed of Jews). Day after day new concentration camps were set up all over Nazi Germany and Jews were deported there. But as the time passed the Russians started invading several parts of Nazi Germany and the death rate slowed down a bit. Finally on the 27th of Jan. 1945 Russian troops reached Auschwitz where an estimate of 1,500,000 Jews was killed. Within some days the Nazi Empire collapsed and the concentration camps were closed down. By the end it’s an estimate that about 5. 9 million Jews were killed. In the end I would just like to say that the things through which the Jews went though was very unfair and sad. It was one of the worst cases of segregation and I hope that no other ethnic group will go through this in the future. -Gautam Rath

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Back to the Dreamtime : Relationship of Richard and Joe

The two main characters that I choose were Richard and Joe. Joe was the father to Richard. Richard was adopted by the McDonalds and lives together with his brother and sister and their names are Tom and Judy and his mother who called Sonya. Richard was a teenage Aboriginal raise in white Australian society. Richard always get a dream about a spirit calling him and give him some scenes or direction to do something, but he can’t understand what the message trying to be carry out by the dream.Furthermore, Richard had scored a very good school grades and he wish to choose history as his study next year at university. Joe was a very good father and householder because he takes a very good care to his family members. Joe liked holding family meetings because he believed they were a good way to get the family together and discuss things. As for examples, Joe had call for family meeting and tells the children about the tjurunga that they found in the attic.Richard and his father Joe w ere having a good relationship, we can prove this by the situation that had been happened. Richard never made angry to his parent on hiding his father tjurunga from him for being so long. In turn, he worried to his parent because he felt his parent was felt responsible for the whole situation and shaken about this matter.Next, although Richard was trying to find his real father tjurunga and burial ground but Joe was never disagree with what Richard was planning to do. Joe was fully support to Richard by giving his opinion and help to Richard on what he was going to do. Finally, Richard finds his father’s burial ground and buries the tjurunga there. Richard also found his role that he need to record and analysis this rich oral culture and preserve it for future generations.